Dental Emergency

Dental Emergency Los Angeles

Dental emergencies can be scary, and they can threaten your dental health. Whether you are afraid you are about to lose a tooth or just worry that you may lose the look of your smile, we take your dental emergency just as seriously as you do. Dr. Randy Lozada, our Los Angeles dental emergency expert, offers emergency dental care designed to stabilize your smile and protect your dental health.

A dental emergency in Los Angeles cannot be treated at home and should be evaluated as soon as possible by Dr. Lozada. However, you do need to take immediate action to reduce the risk of long-term damage. Having a dental first aid kit prepared before you need it can ensure you are better able to manage anything life has in store for you. Some things to keep in your kit include gauze pads, nitrile gloves, cold packs, a tooth preservation kit, a filling and crown repair kit, salt packs to make a saline rinse, and over-the-counter pain medications. You can also put a few tea bags in your kit. Tea bags can quickly and effectively stop bleeding in the mouth when you bite down on them.

Dental Emergency Los Angeles

Common emergencies include:

• A knocked-out tooth
This is a true emergency and should be treated as soon as possible. Do not touch the root if possible, and rinse any debris from the tooth. If you cannot easily put the tooth back into its socket, place it in a tooth preservation kit or a glass of milk. See us immediately.

• A dislocated tooth
This is also an emergency that needs to be treated as soon as possible. Rinse your mouth to flush away any debris, and gently bite on gauze to keep the tooth stabilized and stop any bleeding. We may need to perform a root canal treatment and apply a splint to protect the tooth as it heals.

• Abscessed teeth
A dental infection can be extremely painful and requires prompt treatment. We may need to perform a root canal to remove diseased tissue and prevent the spread of infection.

• Broken teeth
Depending on the severity of the break, Dr. Lozada may need to perform a root canal or place a crown to protect the function and appearance of the tooth.

Call us today to learn more about managing dental emergencies or to schedule your appointment with Dr. Lozada at our dental office in Los Angeles.