Scaling and Root Planing

Los Angeles Scaling and Root Planing

Periodontal disease is an infection that affects gum tissue and the supporting structures of the teeth. It occurs when the bacteria in plaque and tartar irritate the sensitive gum tissue. The tissues become inflamed, and over time, they can begin to pull away from the teeth, allowing bacteria, plaque, and tartar to proliferate below the surface of the gums and near the roots. This enables the infection to spread deeper into the oral cavity. Dr. Lozada, our Los Angeles scaling and root planing dentist, may recommend a scaling and root planing to clean the buildup and reduce the risk of a worsening infection or to accompany additional treatments.

Scaling is a special type of cleaning that is performed with a variety of instruments. Dr. Lozada, our expert in scaling and root planing in Los Angeles, will begin by carefully examining your mouth. Then he will remove all traces of plaque and tartar both above and below the gumline. This will generally be done under local anesthetic to keep you comfortable. A manual instrument, as well as an ultrasonic device, may be used to more effectively remove the buildup.

Scaling and Root Planing Los Angeles

The next step is the root planing. This is a detailed procedure in which the root surface is scaled and smoothed to decrease inflammation and eliminate plaque and biofilm in the areas. By smoothing the roots of the teeth, we can make it more difficult for plaque and biofilm to re-adhere, but it also helps the gums to heal and reattach to the roots of the teeth.

You may need several appointments with Dr. Lozada, our Los Angeles scaling and root planing dentist, to complete the process. If you also need periodontal surgery, such as pocket reduction surgery or gum grafts, these will be performed after the scaling and root planing.

After your procedure, Dr. Lozada, our expert in scaling and root planing in Los Angeles, will review your dental hygiene routine with you and educate you on the best brushing and flossing techniques to help combat periodontal disease. You may also be prescribed antimicrobial mouthwash or antibiotics to address the underlying infection. Call us today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Lozada at our dental office.